Using AC motor speed control system directly and cutting feed rate to achieve high quality cut. 采用ac马达调速系统直接控制切割进刀及速度,以达到高品质之切条。
Especially for cutting the material in high speed and feed rate. 尤其是切割速度和进料速度比较高。
A new system of rapid roll carriage infeed and return, together with automatic selection of pressure and feed rate, has improved the already impressive floor-to-floor times achieved. 快速辊子进给和返回系统和自动压力、进给速率调节器提高了工作效率。
This is particularly important in the columns in the cold side of the plant because frequent changes had been made to feed rate, feed-composition, product values and utility costs. 由于进料量、进料成分、产品价值以及公用物料频繁地发生了变化,因此,在装置冷侧的塔中进行这种变化尤为重要。
An adaptive NC programming algorithm of globoidal cams is proposed in this paper based on the constancy of feed rate and the control of chord error. 提出了一种基于进给速度恒定和控制弓高误差的弧面凸轮自适应数控编程算法。
Experimental results show that higher efficiency can be accomplished and bigger layer thickness and bigger servo feed rate can be chosen in UED-Milling in gas with the aid of ultrasonic vibration. 实验表明,施加超声振动不仅可以提高铣削加工的材料去除率,还可以较大的分层厚度和伺服进给速度进行加工。
In the process of the user can at any time according to actual condition adjust feed rate. 在加工过程中用户可以根据实际情况随时调整进给倍率。
Multi-axes Synchronous Machining Feed Rate and its Post Processing 多轴联动加工进给速度及其后置处理
The effects of temperature, the quantity of catalyst used, and reactant feed rate on hydrosilylation was discussed. 考察了温度、催化剂用量、加料速率等因素对苯乙烯与甲基二氯硅烷硅氢加成反应的影响。
Algorithm for Max constant feed rate in the high speed curved surface machining 复杂曲线、曲面高速加工中的最高恒定进给速度算法研究
The Effect of Feed Rate on Growth and Apparent Digestibility of Hybridization Juvenile Sturgeon 摄食水平对杂交鲟幼鲟生长和能量收支的影响
The conditions which have an important influence on metal cutting are work material, cutting tool material, cutting tool geometry, cutting speed, feed rate, depth of cut and cutting fluid used. 对金属切削有重要影响的条件有工件材料、刀具材料、刀具几何形状、切削速度、进给率、切削深度和所用的切削液。
By applying different processing parameters, such as feed rate and spindle speed, the forced vibration and chatter were suppressed effectively during the processing. 结果显示,该控制系统可以有效地抑制加工过程中产生的强迫振动和颤振,提高产品加工质量和加工效率。
A more prudent its size, the greater the feed rate, a stronger ability to eat thick, more continuity sewing speed. 其具有更稳重的体积、更大的送料幅度、更强劲的吃厚能力、更加连续性的缝纫速度。
How to Deal with the Feed Rate in Designing the Post Processor System 后置处理器系统设计中进给速度处理方法的研究
Inverse time feed rate code 反比时间进给率代码
Effect of Cutting Speed and Feed Rate on UVC Hard Cutting 切削速度与进给量对UVC硬态切削加工的影响
The influences of feed concentration and feed rate on molecular distillation were carried out with simulation of DBP and DBS mixtures. 以DBP和DBS混合物进行了模拟计算,详细考察了进料浓度和进料速率对分子蒸馏过程的影响,并与实际蒸馏效果作了对比分析。
The hardware and software structure of a CNC system for high feed rate punching ma-chine is introduced. 介绍了一种冲床高速送料数控系统的硬件和软件结构。
The effects of esterification temperature, feed rate and method on demulsifying results were investigated. 实验考察了酯化温度、共聚单体量、加料速率和方式等对破乳性能的影响,确定了最佳工艺条件。
Effects of feed rate, feed fraction, reflux ratio and feed position on reaction distillation were investigated. 考察了进料流率,进料组成,回流比,进料位置对反应精馏的影响。
Based on those experiments, the reaction conditions such as temperature, pressure and feed rate were checked. 在此基础上,研究了温度、压力、进料速率等反应条件的影响。
Cracking rate is decreased by increasing the laser power or reducing the feed rate. 当增大激光功率、减少送粉速率时,熔覆层的裂纹率下降;
There used to be constant feed rate and uniform allowance in traditional NC machining. 传统的数控加工多采用恒定进给速度和等厚余量切削。
It was found that feed rate affected the secondary reaction in the pyrolysis furnace and the main product. 研究发现,进料量影响了炉管内的二次反应,进而对主要产物收率有重要影响。
The relation between the feed rate and the factor of the system stability was given theoretically. 同时,从理论上给出了加料速率与体系稳定性因子间的关系。
The spindle speed, feed rate, NC program, machine switch machine time information acquisition. 实现了对主轴转速,进给速度,NC程序,机床的开关机时间的信息的采集。
The influence of cutting speed, feed rate on residual stresses was analyzed. 分析切削速度、进给速度、不同铣削方式对加工表面残余应力形态的影响。
Empirical formula shows that the sawing length and feed rate had positive influence on the sawing force. 锯切力经验公式表明,锯切长度W与进给速度Vf对锯切力为正影响,而线速度Vs为负影响。